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Introduction performance and simply Protected Cultivation Techniques of ‘hongmeiren’ Citrus hybrid in Southern Hunan
投稿时间:2020-11-20  修订日期:2021-03-15
中文关键词:  柑橘、红美人、引种、设施栽培
英文关键词:‘hongmeiren’ Citrus hybrid  introduction performance  protected cultivation
唐志敏 郴州市农业科学研究所 
徐严* 郴州市农业科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1787
全文下载次数: 333
      ‘hongmeiren’ Citrus hybrid was introduced from Xiangsan of Zhejiang Province by Chenzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in 2015.The cultivation experiment was carried out, and a series of supporting cultivation techniques and methods such as facility cultivation technology, open-air cultivation technology and green prevention and control technology were explored, and technical training and extension trial planting were carried out to some large growers in southern Hunan. After 5 years of continuous test and observation, it was found that this variety has the characteristics of high yield, beautiful fruit, high quality, many commercial fruits, good adaptability and excellent resistance in various planting demonstration sites in southern Hunan. The average single fruit weight is 249.2g, the pulp is tender, the juice content is more, the texture of capsule wall is slag, the aroma is strong, the flesh flavor is sour and sweet, the soluble solid content is 12.8%, and the acid content is 0.72g/100ml, which can be titrated 92%, total sugar 8.9g/100ml, vitamin C content 33.4mg/100g, solid acid ratio 13.91:1. The edible rate was 82.2%, and the juice yield was 46.8%. Through the comparative test of different cultivation modes, the results showed that: under the protected cultivation mode, the rate of susceptible leaves was 10.32% lower than that of open-air cultivation, which could effectively reduce the damage rate of diseases and insect pests of fruit trees; under the protected cultivation mode, the rate of sunburn and disease and insect pests was 13.08% lower than that of open-air cultivation mode, and the rate of high-quality fruit was significantly increased.Comprehensive analysis, "hongmeiren" is a new and valuable citrus variety with good market prospects, which can be used as a high-grade and high-quality citrus fruit to enrich the market and optimize the planting structure of Citrus Cultivars in southern Hunan.
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