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Soil nutrient status analysis of litchi orchards in Hainan Province
投稿时间:2020-11-30  修订日期:2021-01-08
中文关键词:  海南  荔枝  土壤养分  肥力评价  施肥建议
英文关键词:Hainan province  Litchi  Soil fertility  Fertility evaluation  Fertilizer recommendation
吴文碟 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
胡福初 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
姚丽贤 广东省华南农业大学资源环境学院 
周文静 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
周瑞云 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
吴凤芝 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
王祥和 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
陈哲* 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所 
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      调查分析海南荔枝主产区荔枝园土壤养分状况,为荔枝的养分管理与合理施肥提供理论依据和科学指导。选择具有一定种植规模、有代表性的荔枝园 49 个,采集0~30 cm土层土壤样品进行养分丰缺状况的测试分析各种性质。结果表明,海南荔枝园土壤pH大部分呈酸性,16.3 % 荔枝园土壤pH适宜荔枝生长,土壤阳离子交换量为中等水平,63.3 % 果园土壤有机质含量处于适宜值及以上;土壤全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量丰富;土壤交换性钙、有效硫含量丰富,42.7 % 果园土壤交换性镁含量缺乏,4.1 % 果园极缺乏;土壤微量元素铁、锰、铜、锌、钼含量较为丰富,但73.5 % 果园土壤有效硼含量低于适宜值。不同产区荔枝园土壤养分状况存在差异,海口果园土壤有机质和有效养分氮、钾、钙、镁含量最高,约2/3产区果园土壤偏缺交换性镁,仅海口、澄迈、定安土壤交换性镁含量在适宜值以上,各产区荔枝园土壤有效铁、锰、铜、锌、钼微量元素丰富,土壤有效硼在琼海果园含量丰富,澄迈、万宁、陵水、儋州、白沙荔枝园土壤有效硼偏缺。综合分析可知,各产区土壤肥力由高到低依次为:海口>定安>澄迈>文昌>琼海>儋州>万宁>陵水>白沙。综上所述,海南荔枝园应根据土壤养分情况平衡施肥,改良土壤酸度,增施有机肥,重视镁、硼肥施用,适当减施化肥以获得更好的产量效应。
      Soil nutrient status in Litchi-growing main area of in Hainan was investigated to provide references for appropriate soil utilization and scientific fertilization. 49 Litchi orchards samples were collected from certain scale and representative production areas in hainan were selected to collect soil samples of 0~30 cm for nutrient abundance analysis.The results showed that the soil pH of Litchi orchard in Hainan was mostly acidic, and 16.3% of litchi orchard was suitable for Litchi growth.cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic matter (OM) content in soil were moderate, and the appropriate value of organic matter content in 63.3% orchard was above.Soil total nitrogen (T-N)、alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen (A-N)、available phosphorus (A-P)、available potassium(A-K) content rich; The available sulfur content of soil exchangeable calcium (E-Ga) was rich, and 42.7% of the soil exchangeable magnesium (E-Mg) was in partial deficiency state, and 4.1% was in extreme deficiency state. The content of soil trace elements iron (A-Fe), manganese (A-Mn), copper (A-Cu), zinc (A-Zn) and molybdenum(A-Mo) is relatively rich, but the available boron (A-B) content in soil is 73.5% lower than the appropriate value. The soil nutrient status of Litchi in different producing areas was different, and the content of organic matter (OM) and available nutrient, nitrogen (A-N), potassium (A-P), calcium (E-Ga) and magnesium (E-Mg) was highest in Haikou Litchi orchards. About 2/3 of the orchard producing areas are short of exchangeable magnesium (E-Mg) in the soil. Only Haikou Chengmai Dingan has the content of exchangeable magnesium (E-Mg) above the appropriate value. The Litchi orchard producing areas are rich in available iron (A-Fe), manganese (A-Mn, copper (A-Cu), zinc (A-Zn) and molybdenum(A-Mo) trace elements. The available boron (A-B) in soil was abundant in Qionghai orchard, but the available boron (A-B) was deficient in Chengmai, Wanning, Lingshui, Danzhou and Baisha Litchi orchards. According to the comprehensive analysis, the soil fertility in each producing area is in order from high to low: Haikou > Dingan > Chengmai > Wenchang > Qionghai > Danzhou > Wanning > Lingshui > Baisha. To sum up, the litchi orchard in Hainan should be fertilized in a balanced manner according to the soil nutrient status, improve soil acidity, increase organic fertilizer, control the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium fertilizer, attach importance to magnesium and borax fertilizer, and apply trace elements appropriately.
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