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Introduction performance and evaluation of Xiangcheng (C. junos) rootstock and trifoliate rootstock Ehime 28 in Nanping City
投稿时间:2021-04-22  修订日期:2021-05-24
中文关键词:  爱媛28  香橙砧  枳砧  引种表现  设施栽培  
英文关键词:Ehime 28  Xiangcheng (C. junos Sieb ) rootstock  Trifoliate oranges (Poncirus trifoliata Raf) rootstock  Introduction performance  Greenhouse cultivation  
应薛养* 福建省南平市农业科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1766
全文下载次数: 326
      2017年引进早熟杂柑品种‘爱媛28’香橙砧和枳砧苗分别在大棚设施和露天进行试种,栽培4年调查比较两个砧木组合的生长表现、丰产性与果实品质,结果表明:‘爱媛28’香橙砧树表现生长势强,冠幅、树高、茎粗、结果枝、秋梢等生长量指标显著大于枳砧树,3a树初产1436 kg/667㎡,4a树2523kg/667㎡,显著高于枳砧4a树初产1809kg/667㎡;大棚种植香橙砧4a树果实10月下旬TSS11-12%,12月中旬TSS可达15%,与枳砧相当,可滴定酸比枳砧略高,两者固酸比均达18以上,口感风味极佳,两者单果重、果形指数、果皮厚度、可食率无显著性差异;未密封大棚4a树体经受2020年寒冬极端低温考验无明显冻害,抗旱抗寒能力中等,易感黑点病和流胶病,大棚种植能很好预防黑点病。综合评价爱媛28枳砧和香橙砧均适合在南平市种植,香橙砧比枳砧早期丰产性稳产性好,收益更高,香橙砧‘爱媛28’设施种植较枳砧更具优势。
      In 2017, the early-maturing hybrid orange cultivar Ehime 28 seedlings of Xiangcheng (C. junos Sieb) rootstock and trifoliate oranges (Poncirus trifoliata Raf) rootstock were introduced in the greenhouse and in the open air, respectively. The growth performance, fruit yield and quality of the two rootstock combinations were investugated and compared after 4 years of cultivation. The results showed that Ehime 28 Xiangcheng root tree showed stronger growth potential, The growth indexes of crown width, height, stem diameter, fruiting branches and autumn shoots were significantly higher than those of the trifoliate oranges rootstock tree. The initial yield of the 3a tree was 1436 kg/667㎡, and the 4a tree yielded 2523kg/667㎡, which was significantly higher than that of the 4a trifoliate oranges rootstock tree. The initial yield of the tree is 1809kg/667㎡,; TSS of fruit of Xiangcheng root 4a tree reach 11-12% in late October, TSS can reach 15% in midle December in greenhouse, which is equivalent to that of trifoliate oranges rootstock,and its titratable acid is slightly higher than that of trifoliate oranges rootstock.The TSS-acid ratio is above 18, taste and flavor are excellent, There is no significant difference in fruit weight, fruit shape index, peel thickness, and edible rate between the two, The 4a tree body in unsealed greenhous has withstood the extreme low temperature test of 2020 without obvious freezing damage, has moderate tolerance to drought and cold, and tends to be susceptible to gum disease and black spot disease, planting in a greenhouse can prevent black spot.Comprehensive evaluation: Both Ehime 28 trifoliate oranges root and Xiangcheng root are suitable for planting in Nanping City. Xiangcheng root has better early yield and stable yield than trifoliate oranges root, and higher returns. and Ehime 28 greenhouse planting of Xiangcheng rootstock is more advantageous than the trifoliate oranges rootstock.
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