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Structure, classification and evolution of chitinase gene family in Citrus
投稿时间:2021-05-04  修订日期:2021-05-25
中文关键词:  柑橘  几丁质酶  基因家族
英文关键词:Citrus  chitinase  gene family
胡亚平 肇庆学院 
郭雁君 肇庆学院 
吉前华* 肇庆学院 
杨凤梅 肇庆学院 
蒋惠 肇庆学院 
郭丽英 肇庆学院 
摘要点击次数: 1204
全文下载次数: 0
      【Objective】plant chitinase is closely related to its disease resistance, defense response and growth and development. In this paper, the properties of chitinase gene family members in citrus were studied by bioinformatics methods.【Methods】32 chitinase genes were found by searching the whole genome sequence of citrus. The molecular weight, isoelectric point, signal peptide, cell localization, transcriptional profile, conserved domain and phylogenetic tree of these genes were studied by using bioinformatics software.【Results】26 members of the family were located on chromosomes, and the other 6 were not identified. The molecular weight, amino acid residues and isoelectric point of these chitinase gene family members were 14.8-72.7kda, 134-636 and 4.53-9.21, respectively. Except for 3 predicted proteins, all of them contained signal peptides. Among them, 23 proteins were located outside the cell and 6 proteins were located across the cell membrane. By analyzing the transcriptome sequencing data of these genes in flowers, leaves, fruits and calli, it was found that the transcriptional levels of these genes vary greatly. Some of them have high transcriptional levels in all tissues, some have high transcriptional levels in different tissues, and some have low expression levels in all tissues. These chitinase genes can be divided into four groups according to the analysis of conserved domains. The first group has signal peptide and is located outside the cell. It has gh18 chitinase domain and glycosylhydrolase function; Most of the second group are transmembrane proteins with signal peptide, including gh18 chitinase domain and serine / threonine kinase domain; The third group has signal peptide and is located outside the cell. It has gh19 chitinase domain and lysozyme activity; There is only one gene in group 4, which is a transmembrane protein without signal peptide. It has gh18 chitinase domain and glycohydrolase function. In addition, it also contains PPR repeat domain which is common in disease resistance proteins【Conclusion】 the analysis of chitinase family in citrus is helpful to understand the molecular mechanism of chitinase resistance and find out the chitinase genes that play a major role in disease resistance, so as to provide help for improving citrus disease resistance breeding.
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