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Growth Performance of Four Kiwifruit Cultivars in Rocky Desertification area of Yunnan Province
投稿时间:2021-06-19  修订日期:2021-07-24
中文关键词:  猕猴桃  引种  石漠化地区  物候期  生长特性  果实品质
英文关键词:kiwifruit  introduction  rocky desertification area  phenological period  growth characteristics  fruit quality
杨永超 红河学院生物科学与农学学院 
农全东 文山州农业科学院 
李玉祥 文山州农业科学院 
王永平 云南省农业科学院热区生态农业研究所 
鲜思跃 文山浩弘农业开发有限公司 
陈雪 红河学院 
陈大明* 云南省农业科学院热区生态农业研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2488
全文下载次数: 4
      为比较东红、金艳、翠玉和寻猕196猕猴桃品种在云南省西畴县石漠化地区的综合表现,筛选出适合该地区种植的猕猴桃品种。以引进的4个猕猴桃品种为材料,考察了这些品种的物候期、生长特性、果实性状,并通过主成分分析法对引进的不同猕猴桃品种果实性状进行综合评价。4个品种的果实成熟期差异较大,以东红最早,金艳最晚,早晚差异达42 d;萌芽率以翠玉最高,为86.00%;果枝率及座果率均以金艳最高,分别为82.00%和79.00%;翠玉及寻猕196的单株产量分别达到41.57 kg及42.53 kg,显著高于东红及金艳;单果最重的为金艳,达到了116.97 g,最小的为东红,为92.99 g;可溶固形物以金艳及东红较高,分别为17.5%及17.17%,显著高于翠玉和寻猕196;可滴定酸寻猕196显著高于其他3个品种,为15.19 g/kg;维生素以翠玉最高,为159.00 mg/100g。通过主成分分析,综合排序为东红、金艳、翠玉及寻猕196。引进的这4个猕猴桃品种均适合云南省文山州西畴县石漠化地区种植,在实际生产中可以优先考虑东红及金艳猕猴桃品种,考虑到成熟期及果肉颜色等因素,也可同时发展东红、金艳、翠玉和寻猕196等品种。
      The comprehensive performance of four kiwifruit cultivars, including Donghong, Jinyan, Cuiyu and xunmi196, were evaluated to screening suitable kiwifruit cultivars for cultivation in rocky desertification area of Xichou County, Wenshan Prefecture Yunnan Province. The phenological period, growth characteristics and fruit characters were investigated, and principal component analysis was applied to evaluate the characters of four kiwifruit cultivars. There was a great difference in fruit maturity among the four cultivars, Donghong was 42 days earlier than Jinyan; The germination rate of Cuiyu reached 86.00%, which was the highest in those four cultivar; The fruit shoot rate and fruit setting rate of Jinyan were 82.00% and 79.00% respectively, which was higher than the other three cultivars; The average yield per plant of Cuiyu and xunmi196 were 41.57 kg and 42.53 kg, respectively, which were significantly higher than Donghong and Jinyan; Jinyan had the heaviest average fruit weight with 116.97 g; The soluble solids of Jinyan and Donghong were 17.50% and 17.17%, which were significantly higher than Cuiyu and xunmi196; Xunmi196 contained 15.19 g/kg of titratable acid which was the highest level; Cuiyu was the highest vitamin with 159.00 mg/100g. The principal component analysis showed that the comprehensive ranking was Donghong, Jinyan, Cuiyu and xunmi196. Donghong, Jinyan, Cuiyu and xunmi196 are suitable for planting in rocky desertification area of Xichou County, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Donghong and Jinyan kiwifruit can be selected preferentially in rocky desertification area of Xichou County, but all the four cultivars also can be selected if the ripening period and flesh color have been considered.
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