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Effect of different tree shapes on growth and fruit quality and economic benefit of grape in greenhouse
投稿时间:2021-08-11  修订日期:2021-09-07
中文关键词:  树形  设施栽培  葡萄  品质  效益  
英文关键词:tree shape  greenhouse  grape  fruit quality  economic benefit
徐小菊 温岭市农业农村和水利局 
何风杰* 台州市农业技术推广中心 
金伟 温岭市农业农村和水利局 
黄雪燕 温岭市农业农村和水利局 
陈梦莹 温岭市农业农村和水利局 
张仙平 温岭市农业农村和水利局 
高洪勤 温岭市农业技术推广中心 
徐春燕 温岭市农业技术推广中心 
叶海波 温岭市滨海滨新水果种植园 
贾惠娟 浙江大学 
摘要点击次数: 1549
全文下载次数: 0
      Two-year-old ‘Yinhong’ grape were sampled to study the effects of different tree shapes on growth and fruit quality and economic benefit of grape in greenhouse. The results showed that the grape trellis of “T” and “H” could significantly improve the ratio of diameter and pith and the lignifucation degree of branches, and the ratio of diameter and pith was increased by 22.4% and 14.2% respectively compared with the control while the lignifucation degree of branches increased by more than 10%. The germination rate of T-shaped was the highest, which was up to 88.2%, followed by H-shaped, which increased by 14.0 and 6.7 percentage points respectively compared with the control. The fruit uniformity of H-shaped and T-shaped reached 90.8% and 82.1% respectively, which were significantly higher than those of the control. The fruit coloration and soluble solid content with H-shape and T-shape were significantly higher than those of the control, while the fruit coloration increased by 6.87-9.43% and the soluble solid content increased by more than 15%, therefore the fruit quality was significantly improved. The occurrence of diseases and fruit cracking with T-shaped and H-shaped were reduced in different degree, and the T-shaped had the best effect which could reduced the incidence rate of anthrax and white rot to zero. Compared with the control, the employment of winter pruning and vine binding of the two kinds of trees were significantly reduced, and the labor volume of branch and vine management decreased by 23.57%. The economic benefit per 667 square meters of T-shaped and H-shaped were improved by 20.0% and 7.8% respectively. On the whole, the T-shaped and H-shaped had richer branches, higher germination rate, better fruit quality, more labor-saving and cost-effective, and the T-shaped had the best effect.
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