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Effects of Ca (OH) 2 on controlling black top disease and improving the dietary nutrition of huping jujube
投稿时间:2021-10-19  修订日期:2021-12-25
中文关键词:  壶瓶枣  氢氧化钙  黑顶病  膳食营养
英文关键词:huping Jujube  Ca(OH)2  black top disease  dietary nutrition
基金项目:河南省重点攻关项目(编号:172102110183); 河南省教育厅科技项目(编号:15A210020); 河南省高校青年骨干教师资助计划(编号:2015GGJS-216) 山西省应用基础研究计划(青年基金,项目号:201601010399094)
王丁* 河南财政金融学院 
付瑞敏 河南财政金融学院 
刘春雷 河南财政金融学院 
杨雪 河南财政金融学院 
邢文会 河南财政金融学院 
夏铁骑 河南财政金融学院 
郝艳平 山西农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 1415
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      大枣(Zizyphus Jujuba Mill.)为我国栽培面积最大干果树种,经济价值及生态效益显著。以壶瓶枣为研究对象,探讨不同浓度梯度Ca(OH)2溶液处理条件下,壶瓶枣黑顶病的发病率和病情指数以及枣果肉中蛋白质、VC、膳食纤维含量的变化情况,寻找喷施Ca(OH)2溶液的最佳浓度,为壶瓶枣枣果品质的提升和营养的加强提供依据。结果表明:1.不同浓度Ca(OH)2溶液处理可显著降低壶瓶枣黑顶病发病率和病情指数(p<0.05),其中Ca(OH)2饱和溶液稀释150倍处理防治效果最好。2.与对照相比,Ca(OH)2溶液处理可显著提高枣果果肉中蛋白质含量(p<0.01),其中Ca(OH)2饱和溶液稀释300倍的低浓度溶液效果最好。3.中低浓度Ca(OH)2溶液可显著增加壶瓶枣果肉中VC含量(p<0.01),且随Ca(OH)2溶液浓度升高呈降低趋势。4.不同浓度Ca(OH)2处理条件下,壶瓶枣果肉中总膳食纤维的含量显著高于对照(p<0.01),且随着喷施浓度的增大,果肉中膳食纤维含量先上升后下降趋势,其中Ca(OH)2饱和溶液稀释225倍浓度处理增加效果最明显。综合以上结果,Ca(OH)2饱和溶液稀释150倍浓度为最佳喷施浓度。
      Jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) is the largest dry fruit tree species in China, with remarkable economic value and ecological benefits. Taking Huping jujube as the research object, the incidence and disease index of Huping jujube black top disease and the changes of protein, VC and dietary fiber content in jujube pulp under the treatment of different concentration gradient of Ca(OH)2 solution were studied, so as to find the best Ca(OH)2 concentration and to provide basis for improving the quality and nutrition of Huping jujube. The results showed that: 1. The treatment with different concentrations of Ca(OH)2 solution could significantly reduce the incidence and disease index of Huping jujube black top disease (p< 0.05), and the treatment with 150 times dilution of Ca(OH)2 saturated solution had the best control effect. 2. Compared with the control, Ca(OH)2 solution treatment can significantly increase the protein content in jujube pulp (p< 0.01), and the 300 times low concentration dilution of Ca(OH)2 saturated solution is the best. 3. VC content in jujube pulp (p< 0.01) was Low could significantly increased under the treat of low concentration Ca(OH)2 solution , but decreased when treated with the increased Ca(OH)2 solution concentration. 4. Under different concentrations of Ca(OH)2 treatment, the content of total dietary fiber in jujube pulp was significantly higher than that in the control (p< 0.01), and with the increase of spraying concentration, the content of dietary fiber in jujube pulp first increased and then decreased, among which the treatment with 225 times dilution of Ca(OH)2 saturated solution had the most obvious effect. Based on the above results, the 150 times dilution of Ca(OH)2 saturated solution is the best spraying concentration.
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