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李珊珊,杨 敏,吴维坚.固相微萃法对柚花、柠檬花和酸橙花植物学性状及挥发性成分分析比较[J].中国南方果树,2022,51(2):
Analysis and comparison of botanical characters and volatile components of Pomelo flower, Lemon flower and Lime flower by solid phase microextraction
投稿时间:2021-10-27  修订日期:2022-01-06
中文关键词:  柚子花  酸橙花  柠檬花  植物学性状  挥发油成分
英文关键词:pomelo flower  lime flower  lemon flower  botanical properties  volatile components
李珊珊 福建省农科院亚热带农业研究所 
杨 敏 福建省农科院亚热带农业研究所 
吴维坚* 福建省农科院亚热带农业研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1992
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      目的:分析比较在漳州地区栽培的琯溪蜜柚[Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck. Cv. ‘Guanximiyou’]、柠檬[Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.]和代代酸橙(Citrus aurantium L. cv. Daidai)花朵的植物学性状和挥发性成分。方法:采用五点采样法观测3种芸香科柑橘属植物花朵的植物学性状,运用顶空GC-MS技术分别进行挥发性成分测定,并对测定成分进行比较。结果:同等栽培条件下,柚花的个体最大且雌蕊粗壮凸出;柠檬花和酸橙花个体差异不大,但柠檬花为淡紫红色,花瓣数4;橙花为白色,花瓣数5。经GC-MS分析得知,柚花含21种挥发性成分,其中单萜类化合物占98.05%,倍半萜类化合物占0.20%,含量较多的为:β-蒎烯(43.74%)、桧烯(20.69%)、β-罗勒烯(12.78%)、芳樟醇(9.84%)及d-柠檬烯(9.15%);柠檬花含24种挥发性成分,其中单萜类化合物占87.47%,倍半萜类化合物占2.72%,二萜类化合物的含量占0.13%,含量较多的为:β-蒎烯(53.42%)、桉叶油醇(19.65%)、d-柠檬烯(7.55%)、芳樟醇(2.92%)及十七烷(2.78%);酸橙花含20种挥发性成分,其中单萜类化合物占96.27%,倍半萜类化合物占0.19%,含量较多的为:芳樟醇(41.16%)、d-柠檬烯(30.54%)、桧烯(15.19%)、3-蒈烯(3.84%)及β-蒎烯(2.76%)。结论:PCA主成分分析可知,三种柑橘属植物的花在植物学性状及挥发性成分方面均存在一定差异,为相关产业的发展提供一定的理论依据。
      Objective: The botanical character and volatile components from flowers of ‘Guanximiyou’ pomelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck. Cv. ‘Guanximiyou’], Lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.] and ‘Daidai’ lime (Citrus aurantium L. cv. Daidai) cultivated in Zhangzhou were analyzed and compared. Methods: The botanical characters of 3 varieties flowers of Citrus (Rutaceae) were observed by five point sampling method. The volatile components were determined by headspace GC-MS and compared. Result: Under the same cultivation conditions, the individual of pomelo flowers are the largest and the pistils are thick and protruding; There was no significant difference between lemon flowers and lime flowers, but lemon flowers are light purple red with 4 petals; lime flowers are white with 5 petals. GC-MS analysis showed that there were 21 volatile components in pomelo flowers, of which monoterpenoids accounted for 98.05%, sesquiterpenoids accounted for 0.20%, the most abundant components were β- Pinene (43.74%), sabinene (20.69%) β- Basilene (12.78%), linalool (9.84%) and d-limonene (9.15%); There were 24 kinds of volatile components in lemon flowers, among which monoterpenoids accounted for 87.47%, sesquiterpenoids accounted for 2.72%, diterpenoids accounted for 0.13%, the most abundant components were β- Pinene (53.42%), eucalyptol (19.65%), d-limonene (7.55%), linalool (2.92%) and heptadecane (2.78%); There were 20 kinds of volatile components in lime flowers, among them, monoterpenoids accounted for 96.27%, sesquiterpenoids accounted for 0.19%, and the most abundant components were linalool (41.16%), d-limonene (30.54%), sabinene (15.19%), 3-carene (3.84%) and limonene (15.19%) β- Pinene (2.76%). Conclusion: PCA principal component analysis showed that there are some differences in botanical characters and volatile components between 3 citrus species, which provide a theoretical basis for the development of related industries.
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