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Studies on genetic diversity of leaf phenotype of Citrus hongheensis
投稿时间:2021-11-16  修订日期:2021-12-04
中文关键词:  红河橙  单身复叶  表型  遗传多样性
英文关键词:Citrus hongheensis  unifoliate leaf  phenotype  genetic diversity
高玉红 西南林业大学 
魏萌 西南林业大学 
李凯迪 西南林业大学 
牟凤娟* 西南林业大学 西南山地森林资源保育与利用教育部重点实验室 
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      红河橙(Citrus hongheensis Ye et al.)是云南特有的珍稀柑橘种质资源,仅在元江、红河南岸有零星分布,其单身复叶具有极为发达的翼叶。本研究对红河橙在绿春县、红河县和元江县的11个居群进行调查和取样,采用巢式方差分析、多重比较、主成分分析等方法对12个叶表型的变异和遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明:红河橙12个叶表型在居群间和居群内均表现为极显著差异(P<0.01),其叶表型遗传变异水平较高;同一叶表型性状在不同居群间的变异程度不同,其中翼叶宽/本叶宽这个叶表型的变异程度最大(91.36 %),而叶总长的变异程度最小(8.24 %),其表现相对最为稳定;叶片的绝对大小的变异程度(如叶总长、翼叶长度、翼叶宽度、本叶长度、本叶宽度、叶柄长等)普遍低于叶片形状(如翼叶长/宽、本叶长/宽)和叶片相对大小(如翼叶长/叶总长、翼叶长/本叶长、翼叶宽/本叶宽、本叶长/叶总长、本叶长/翼叶长、本叶宽/翼叶宽等)的变异程度,且表现出叶片形状变异>叶片相对大小变异>叶片绝对大小变异的变异规律;红河橙12个叶表型性状在居群间和居群内的方差分量百分比分别为12.762%和34.718%,平均表型分化系数为21.581%,居群内变异是红河橙叶表型变异的主要来源;主成分分析表明前3个主成分(叶片绝对大小因子、叶片相对大小因子、叶形指数因子)的累计贡献率达85.258%。研究结果可为红河橙的群体遗传进化及种质资源保护和利用等提供形态学方面的参考。
      Citrus hongheensis Ye et al. is a rare and primitive citrus germplasm resource, native to Yunnan Province, China. It is only sporadically distributed in the south bank of Yuanjiang River and Honghe River. It is characterized with the single compound leaves having very developed wing leaves. In this study, 11 populations of C. hongheensis from Lüchun County, Honghe County and Yuanjiang County were investigated and sampled, and the variation and genetic diversity of 12 morphological characters of the leaf were analyzed by nested analysis of variance, multiple comparison and principal component analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences based on 12 leaf phenotype traits among and within populations (P<0.01), and the level of genetic variation of leaf phenotype was high. The degree of variation of the same leaf characters was different among different populations; the variation degree of width of winged leaf / width of leaflet, WWL/WL (91.36%) was the largest, while the variation degree of total length of leaf, TLL (8.24%) was the smallest and was relatively stable. The variation degree of absolute leaf size (such as TLL, LWL, WWL, LL, WL, LCP) was generally lower than that of leaf shape (such as LWL/WWL, LL/WL) and leaf relative size (such as LWL/TLL, LWL/LL, WWL/WL, LL/TLL, LL/LWL, WL/WWL,), and the variation law of leaf shape variation > leaf relative size variation > leaf absolute size variation was shown. The percentages of variance components of 12 leaf phenotype traits among populations and within populations were 12.762% and 34.718%, respectively, and the average phenotypic differentiation coefficient was 21.581%, which show that variation within population was the main source of leaf phenotypic variation. Principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the first 3 principal components (leaf absolute size factor, leaf relative size factor and leaf shape index factor) was 85.258%. The results can provide morphological references for population genetic evolution, germplasm protection and utilization of C. hongheensis.
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