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Changes of carbohydrate and soluble protein content during the flowering process of mango
投稿时间:2021-11-23  修订日期:2022-03-11
中文关键词:  芒果  成花  碳水化合物  可溶性蛋白
英文关键词:Mango(Mangifera  indica L.),Flower  bud differentiation, Carbohydrate, Soluble  protein
高天瑜 海南大学园艺学院 
郑斌 农业部热带果树生物学重点实验室 
许文天 农业部热带果树生物学重点实验室 
梁清志 农业部热带果树生物学重点实验室 
王松标 农业部热带果树生物学重点实验室 
李蕊 海南大学园艺学院 
曾教科 海南大学园艺学院 
武红霞* 农业部热带果树生物学重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1605
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      The changes of carbohydrate and soluble protein in the two different mango varieties were investigated in the process of flower formation, to provide basis for the regulation of mango flower bud differentiation.Two mango varieties, ‘Nam Doc Mai’ and ‘Deshehari’ were used in this experiment to investigate their phenological period, shoot rate and flower formation rate. Carbohydrate and soluble protein were determined for five developmental apical buds, including dormancy period stage (S1), dormancy breaking stage (S2), pre-differentiation stage (S3), inflorescence differentiation stage (S4) and inflorescence first branch differentiation stage (S5).【Result】The contents of fructose and maltose continued to accumulate during the flowering formation of ‘Nam Doc Mai’ and ‘Deshehari’ mango, and the contents of ‘Nam Doc Mai’ were higher than that of ‘Deshehari’.The change trend of glucose content was different between the two cultivars, ‘Nam Doc Mai’ increased first and then decreased, while the ‘Deshehari’ increased continuously. Sucrose was consumed in the early stage of flower bud differentiation and accumulated in the later stage. The starch content of the two cultivars tends to be stable during the flowering process, and soluble protein accumulated continuously. The ratio of carbohydrates to soluble protein increased in the early stage of flowering and decreased in the later stage. The flowering rate of ‘Nam Doc Mai’ was significantly higher than that of ‘Deshehari’, and the flower formation rate was positively correlated with the contents of fructose, maltose and soluble protein, and its correlation coefficients were 0.816, 0.506 and 0.456 respectively.The accumulation of carbohydrates and soluble protein was beneficial to flower bud differentiation during the flowering process, After entering the flower bud differentiation period, the ratio of carbohydrates to soluble protein, was significantly higher in ‘Nam Doc Mai’ than in ‘Deshehari’.
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