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Study on quality analysis of ''Fuji'' “sugar-cored” apple in different picking times in the cold highland in southwest China
投稿时间:2021-12-16  修订日期:2022-01-26
中文关键词:  西南冷凉高地  “糖心”苹果  采摘期  果实品质
英文关键词:Southwest cold highland  
马勉娣 昭通市苹果产业发展中心 
摘要点击次数: 1867
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      摘 要:【目的】通过分析各采摘期果实品质及各项理化指标对“糖心”形成的影响,进而指导果农在生产上依据现销与贮藏来调整果实的采收时间,以降低“糖心”对于贮藏质量的影响。【方法】以昭通市洒渔、小龙洞及鲁甸三个地区的不套袋‘富士’苹果为研究对象,从9月21日至11月24日每7天采样一次,对不同采收期‘富士’苹果“糖心”果率、成熟度、硬度、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖及可滴定酸等指标测定分析。【结果】昭通不套袋‘富士’苹果从9月底陆续开始形成“糖心”,“糖心”果率随着果实成熟度的升高而上升,且各项理化指标的变化对“糖心”形成有一定的影响。9月下旬到10月下旬“糖心”果率较低,糖酸比平均在25-45之间,硬度平均在9kg/cm2以上,果实酸甜适宜,耐贮藏;10 月下旬到 11 月中下旬“糖心”果率较高平均达60%以上,糖酸比平均在40-55之间,果实风味甜爽浓郁;11月下旬以后“糖心”果率有所降低,糖酸比平均在60以上,硬度平均低于8kg/cm2,果实甜味过高且不耐贮藏。【结论】9月下旬到10月初为昭通‘富士’苹果用于贮藏果实的最佳采收期,10月初到10月下旬为昭通‘富士’苹鲜果销售的最佳采摘期。10 月下旬到 11 月中下旬为昭通“糖心”苹果的最佳采摘期。
      Abstract:【Objective】By analyzing the fruit quality of each picking period and studying the influence of various physical and chemical indexes on the formation of "sugar cored", it can guide the fruit farmers to adjust the harvest time according to the current sale and storage, so as to reduce the influence of "sugar cored" on the storage quality.【Method】In this study, un-bagged '' Fuji ''apples from Sayu, Xiaolongdong and Ludian of Zhaotong City were selected as experimental material, and Samples were collected every 7 days from September 21 to November 24 to analyze the occurrence rate of "sugar-cored", fruit maturity, fruit hardness, soluble solid contents, soluble sugars, and titratable acid of ''Fuji'' apples at different harvest times.【Results】Un-bagged ''Fuji'' apple began to form "sugar cored" at the end of September. The fruit rate of "sugar-cored" increased with the increase of fruit maturity, and the changes of physical and chemical indexes had a certain impact on the formation of "sugar-cored". From late September to late October, "sugar-cored" fruit rate was low, whereas the average of sugar acid ratio and hardness was between 25-45 and more than 9 kg/cm2 respectively, thus, the fruit with sweet and sour taste was suitable for storage; from the late October to the middle and late November, the fruit rate of "sugar-cored" was higher up to an average of more than 60%, and the average sugar acid ratio is 40-55, in this period, the fruit was sweet with rich flavour; after the end of November, the fruit rate of "sugar-cored" decreased, with an average sugar acid ratio more than 60 and the average hardness less than 8kg / cm2, and at this time the fruit was too sweet and could not be stored for long.【Conclusion】Based on the analyses,The best harvest time of Zhaotong ''Fuji'' apple for fruit storage was from late September to early October, and the best harvest time of Zhaotong ''Fuji'' apple for fresh fruit sales was from early October to late October. The best picking time of Zhaotong "sugar-cored"apples is from late October to middle and late November.
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