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Fruit quality analysis of main Bulgarian apple varieties in Yantai
投稿时间:2022-01-07  修订日期:2022-03-07
中文关键词:  苹果  氨基酸  有机酸  香气物质
英文关键词:Apple  Amino acid  Organic acids  Aroma substance
孙燕霞 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
唐岩* 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
刘学卿 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
宋来庆 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
张学勇 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
赵玲玲 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
刘大亮 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
刘学庆 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院 
王平 山东烟富农业科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 1451
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      Apple germplasm resources in different countries and regions have different fruit quality. In this paper, four main apple varieties'' siana '','' Gorana '','' Martinike ''and'' Elegia ''introduced from Bulgaria in 2012 and the local main apple variety'' Red general ''in Yantai were used as experimental materials to analyze the conventional quality, sugar and acid components, aroma substances and free amino acids of fruits at maturity.The results showed that there were significant differences in fruit quality, taste and flavor between Bulgarian varieties and Yantai local varieties. In the conventional quality test, the average fruit weight and titratable acid content of ''Gorana'' were the largest, which were 281.6g and 0.82% respectively, and the fruit hardness, soluble solid content and soluble sugar content of ''Martinike'' were the largest,?The values are 9.8kg/cm2, 14.1% and 9.43%, respectively; In the analysis of total tannins and sugar acid components, the highest total tannin content in ''Martinike'' is 780mg / kg, the highest vitamin C content in ''Elegia'' is 3.85mg/100g, the highest fructose content in ''Red general'' is 1.10g/100g, and the highest malic acid content in ''Gorana'' is 9279.41mg/kg;?In the analysis of aroma components, ''Martinike'' and ''Elegia'' detected 43 kinds of aroma substances at most, and the relative content of alcohol in ''Martinike'' was the highest, 27.79%, which was a typical mellow apple.?In addition, the ester content of ''Martinike'' is also the highest among all varieties, with a value of 22.29%;?In the analysis of free amino acids, only 6 species were detected in ''Martinike'', but the total content was the highest, reaching 0.71g/100g, of which aspartic acid was the highest, and 10 species were detected in ''Red general'', and the total content was the lowest, only 0.15g/100g. In conclusion, ''Martinike'' has the best comprehensive characters, which can be used as a germplasm resource for innovative utilization by hybridization with local varieties, and is preferentially popularized in Yanwei area, even in the whole province and apple suitable planting areas.
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