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The effect on fruit fly and fruit quality of bayberry by Empedobacter brevi
投稿时间:2022-02-14  修订日期:2022-03-15
中文关键词:  短稳杆菌;乙基多杀菌素  杨梅;果蝇;果实品质;防效
英文关键词:Empedobacter brevi  spinetoram  bayberry  fruit fly  fruit quality  control effect
基金项目:浙江省重点研发计划项目 (2020C02001;2021C02009); 浙江省特色农产品全产业链安全风险管控(“一品一策”)重大专项
吴昌旺 文成县农业农村局 
林明明 文成县农业农村局 
赵成东 文成县农业农村局 
吴海锋 文成县农业农村局 
王程安 宁波市海曙区农业技术管理服务站 
吴晓燕 上海盛谷光电科技有限公司 
周作荣 文成县里阳红枫林农业种植专业合作社 
任海英* 浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1479
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      果蝇是为害杨梅果实的主要害虫,目前主要依靠乙基多杀菌素防控,成本较高,急需研究替代药剂,短稳杆菌(Empedobacter brevi)是一种新型细菌杀虫剂,为了明确短稳杆菌的防控效果和对果实品质的影响,本试验在杨梅转色成熟期喷雾,设5个处理,1.00×107、1.25×107和1.67×107短稳杆菌以及30和40 mg/L乙基多杀菌素,清水喷雾做对照。结果表明,与对照相比,5个处理药后7 d的果蝇防效为91.92%-96.76%,各处理间虫果率差异不显著,用药后13 d防效在82.76%-88.27%之间,1.67×107短稳杆菌处理虫果率最低;5个处理的果实可溶性固形物含量提高5.41%-7.21%,其中1.67×107短稳杆菌处理的提高幅度最大,果实硬度显著提高33.21%-46.42%,落果率显著下降37.57%-42.86%,硬度和落果率各处理间差异不显著。综合果蝇防控效果和果实品质等因素,短稳杆菌是防治杨梅果蝇乙基多杀菌素的理想替代药剂,值得在产业上大力推广。
      Fruit flies are the main pest of bayberry fruit, and they are mainly controlled by spinetoram at present, which is costly, so it is urgent to study alternative agents. Empedobacter brevi is a new bacterial insecticide, and in order to clarify the control effect and the effect on bayberryfruit quality of Empedobacter brevi, their aqueous solutions including 1×107、1.25×107 and 1.67×107 and the spinetorams aqueous solutions including 30 and 40 mg/L were sprayed in the mature stage of bayberry fruit, and the water sprayed were used as control. The results showed that compared with the control, the control effects of the five treatments on fruit flies were 91.92% -96.76% post 7 days after treatment, and there were no significant difference among the treatments. The control effect were 82.76% - 88.27% post 13 days after treatment, and the rate of insect fruit treated with 1.67×107 Empedobacter brevi aqueous solution was the lowest. The soluble solid contents of the five treatments were increased by 5.41%-7.21%, of which 1.67×107 Empedobacter brevi aqueous solution treated increased the most; the fruit hardness were increased significantly by 33.21%-46.42%, and the fruit drop rate were decreased significantly by 37.57%-42.86%, and there were no significant difference in hardness and fruit drop rate among the treatments. Considering the control effect of fruit flies and effect of fruit quality, Empedobacter brevi is an ideal alternative agent for spinetoram to control bayberry fruit flies, which is worth applying in the bayberry industry.
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