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Boron distribution of the twig blight diseased bayberry and the effect of boron application on the incidence rate of the disease
投稿时间:2022-03-02  修订日期:2022-03-22
中文关键词:  杨梅  凋萎病  
英文关键词:Myrica rubra  twig blight disease  boron
基金项目:浙江省重点研发计划项目(编号2020C02001; 2021C02009);浙江省科技厅重点研发计划项目(编号2019C02038)
包日在 泰顺县农业农村局 
任海英* 浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所 
王康强 仙居县特产技术推广中心,浙江仙居 
郑锡良 浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所 
戚行江 浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所 
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      凋萎病是杨梅产业的重大病害,为研究凋萎病树硼元素分配的变化和施硼对发病率的影响,本文测定病树与健康树(CK)的根、枝和叶等部位的硼含量、根际土壤速效硼含量,并且设计兑水浇施1.5、3.0、6.0、9.0 g/m2硼砂至杨梅苗圃地,0.75、1.5、3.0和4.5 g/m2成年树滴水线沟施硼砂,不施硼砂的作对照,调查施硼对凋萎病发生率。结果表明,凋萎病的发生严重影响了硼在杨梅树体内的吸收和分布。病树上有病症嫩梢的干枯叶片、没有病症的嫩梢叶片和老龄叶片的硼含量分别比CK显著低8.11%、6.04%和7.56%,病树表现症状的嫩梢枝皮、不表现症状的嫩梢枝皮和根部皮硼含量分别比CK显著高7.94%、9.76%和11.77%,病树根际土壤的速效硼含量比CK显著高29.03%,差异显著;病树无病症嫩梢枝干和根部干硼含量低于CK。9 g/m2硼砂处理杨梅苗木发病率比对照高7.4%,1.5 g/m2硼砂处理成年杨梅树发病率比对照降低7.6%,其他苗圃地和成年树处理发病率均无显著变化。本文研究结果将为开发杨梅凋萎病的综合防控技术提供理论支持。
      The twig blight disease is a major disease of bayberry industry. To study the distribution of boron in twig blight disease tree and the effect of boron application on the disease incidence rate, the boron content in roots, branches and leaves of diseased plants and healthy plants (CK) and the available boron content in rhizosphere soil were measured and compared. In addition, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0 g/m2 borax was applied to the bayberry nursery, 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 g / m2 borax was applied to the drip line ditch of adult trees, and those without borax were used as the control, and the incidence of twig blight disease were investigated. The results showed that the occurrence of twig blight disease seriously affected the absorption and distribution of boron in bayberry. The boron contents in the dry leaves of diseased shoots, the leaves of diseased shoots and aged leaves were 8.11%, 6.04% and 7.56% lower than CK respectively. The boron contents in the bark of symptomatic shoots, asymptomatic shoots and roots of diseased trees were 7.94%, 9.76% and 11.77% higher than CK respectively. The available boron content in the soil around the roots of diseased trees was 29.03% higher than CK. The incidence rate of bayberry seedlings treated with 9 g/m2 was 7.4% higher than that of control, that of boron treatment in 1.5 g/m2 was 7.6% lower than that in CK, and there were no significant difference among the other treatments. The results of this study will provide theoretical support for the development of comprehensive prevention and control technology of bayberry twig blight disease.
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