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Investigation on fruit frozen injury of late-maturing citrus and its influencing factors analysis
投稿时间:2022-05-01  修订日期:2022-05-17
中文关键词:  晚熟柑橘  果实冻害  影响因素  调查分析
英文关键词:Late-maturing citrus  Fruit frozen injury  Influencing factors  Investigation and analysis
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 “常绿果树优质轻简高效栽培技术集成与示范”课题(2020YFD1000102) ;财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系资助。
杨万云 西南大学柑桔研究所/国家柑桔工程技术研究中心 
曾瑶 西南大学柑桔研究所/国家柑桔工程技术研究中心 
彭良志* 西南大学柑桔研究所/国家柑桔工程技术研究中心 
袁梦 眉山市东坡区农业农村局 
李奇穗 眉山市气象局 
何义仲 西南大学柑桔研究所/国家柑桔工程技术研究中心 
淳长品 西南大学柑桔研究所/国家柑桔工程技术研究中心 
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      【Objective】In the winter of 2020 and the spring of 2021, late-maturing citrus fruits suffered from frozen injury in Sichuan basin, which caused great losses. The investigation and analysis of frozen injury of late-maturing citrus fruits were carried out, and the occurrence regularity of frozen injury was summarized in order to provide reference for frozen injury prevention. 【Methods】In Meishan city of Sichuan province, fruit frozen injury of different variety, topography, anti-freezing treatment, tree condition and different fruit position in tree canopy were investigated. At least 10 trees were selected for each influencing factor investitagion in each orchard, and the fruit frozen injury degree and its proportion of each tree were investigated and recorded, thus the comprehensive index of fruit frozen injury was calculated. 【Results】According to the data of the local city weather station, the low temperature of Meishan City mainly occured in January, with a total of 3 times and 7 days of low temperature happened. The minimum temperature of Meishan City was -3.7 °C happened in Renshou County on January 7, and the maximum daily temperature difference of Meishan City was 15.9 °C happened in Qingshen County on January 14. Compared with the minimum temperature recorded by the orchard weather post and the weather station in the Dongpo District in January 2021, the minimum temperature recorded by the city weather station was -1.40 °C(-2 °C is general frozen injury critical temperature for citrus fruit), while the minimum temperature recorded by the orchard weather post was -4.50 °C and there were 8 days with the minimum temperature below -2 °C. The minimum temperature of orchard weather post recorded was 2-4℃ lower than that of city weather station recorded. Even if the temperature recorded by the city weather station did not reach the frozen injury temperature of citrus fruit, orchards might reach the frozen injury temperature of citrus fruit. Different varieties had different degrees of fruit frozen injury: ‘Orah’ mandarin > ‘Harumi’ tangor > ‘Daya’ mandarin > ‘Shiranuhi’ tangor > Ehime 28> W. Murcott ≈ ‘Asumi’ tangor ≈ ‘Tarocco’ blood orange > ‘Kiyomi’ tangor. The general characteristics were as follows: small fruits were more susceptible to freezing than large fruits, and fruits on outer tree canopies were more susceptible to freezing than those in inner tree canopies, and fruits with thin peel were more vulnerable to freezing than those with thick peel. Comparing the investigation results of the three varieties ‘Orah’ mandarin, ‘Harumi’ tangor and ‘Shiranuhi’ tangor in the same orchard, the degrees of fruit frozen injury were ‘Orah’ mandarin > ‘Harumi’ tangor > ‘Shiranuhi’ tangor. The degree of fruit frozen injury in different landforms was as follows: valley land > flat land > shallow hill > slope. The position of citrus trees on sloping land affected the degree of fruit frozen injury, which was usually bottom of slope > middle of slope > top of slope, and the valley land and bottom of slope were the most serious terrain, the top of slope was the least severe, and orchard on sunny slope was lighter than that on shady slope. Altitude has a great influence on fruit frozen injury, in a certain altitude range, the degrees of fruit frozen injury was negatively correlated with altitude, and there was a nearly 7 times difference in fruit frozen injury index between the highest and lowest altitude. The overall degrees of fruit frozen injury of each variety was opposite to its tree vigor, and the trees with more fruits were weaker vigor and more severe fruit frozen injury, while the trees with less fruit were stronger vigor and had less frozen injury. What’s more, sod cultivation, fruit bagging and tree canopy covered with film or cloth reduced the occurrence of fruit frozen injury, the more layers of fruit bagging, the lower the degree of frozen injury, and fruit in uncovered tree canopy was the most serious, fruit in tree canopy covered with anti-cold cloth was the least, fruit in tree canopy covered with plastic film was the next. Fruits in different parts of the tree canopies suffered different degrees of frozen injury. In all cases, frozen injury of fruits in the center of the tree canopies were the least, while those in the lower and upper parts of the tree canopies were strongly affected by topography and anti-freezing treatments. In sod cultivation orchards, fruits in the lower part of tree canopies suffered less frozen injury, but the opposite was true on the top of the tree canopy. The fruit frozen injury for orchards with sod cultivation together with tree canopy covering treatments was the least, but it was severe for orchards with clear tillage together with no canopy covering. For orchards located at low and middle elevations, the fruits on the top and low tree canopies suffered the most severe frozen injury, and the fruits in the center of the tree canopies suffered lightest frozen injury. However, for orchards at higher elevations, this difference was not significant. 【Conclusion】The degree of frozen injury of late-maturing citrus fruit was affected by variety, topography, anti-freezing treatment and tree growth condition, and different positions of tree canopy also had strong effects on fruit frozen injury. In citrus production, sod cultivation, tree canopy covered with plastic film or anti-cold cloth, fruit bagging, suitable fruit-set ratio and strong tree vigor can effectively reduce the degree of fruit frozen injury.
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