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Analyses of Symptoms and Pathogen Distribution Pattern of Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Nian Ju Affected by Huanglongbing
投稿时间:2022-05-21  修订日期:2022-06-14
中文关键词:  柑橘黄龙病  年桔  症状表现  病原分布  橘络
英文关键词:Citrus Huanglongbing  Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Nian Ju  symptoms  pathogen distribution  fruit pith
吕若亚 华南农业大学柑橘黄龙病研究室 
李云 华南农业大学柑橘黄龙病研究室 
郑永钦 华南农业大学柑橘黄龙病研究室 
邓晓玲 华南农业大学柑橘黄龙病研究室 
郑正* 华南农业大学柑橘黄龙病研究室 
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      柑橘黄龙病是我国柑橘生产上最具毁灭性的病害,由限制于韧皮部的难培养细菌 “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”(CLas)所引起。年桔是广东优势品种之一,近年来受黄龙病危害造成种植面积大幅缩减。本研究以感染黄龙病的年桔枝条和果实为材料,通过定量Real-time PCR分析CLas在染病年桔枝条及果实橘络中的分布规律。感染黄龙病年桔枝条的新梢普遍表现为叶片斑驳与黄化,但有部分染病枝条的新梢无明显症状,同时染病年桔枝条严重落叶。感染黄龙病年桔果实主要表现为小果、果实畸形、种子败育及“红鼻子果”的症状。定量结果表明,在同一染病年桔枝条中CLas呈不均匀分布的规律。除果实组织(果蒂、果实中轴和橘络)中能稳定检测到CLas外,新梢(新叶和新梢韧皮部)和主干韧皮部并不一定都能检测到CLas。统计分析表明,在同一染病年桔枝条中果实橘络部位的CLas浓度最高(103,360 ± 23,280)且要显著高于其他组织中的CLas浓度(P < 0.05)。此外,通过对同一橘络不同片段(每1.5 cm)中的CLas进行定量发现,CLas在同一橘络中的分布亦不均匀,其中以中前端(1.5-3.0cm)片段组织中的CLas含量最高(22,654,615 ± 4,528,014),且显著高于前端(0-1.5cm,10,423,214 ± 2,059,265)和后端(4.5-6.0cm,3,114,303 ± 1,133,173)(P < 0.05)。本研究得到的结果可为进一步探究CLas在柑橘植株中的转运与增殖规律提供参考。
      Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most destructive disease in citrus production in China. HLB is caused by the phloem-limited bacteria, “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas). Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Nian Ju is one of dominant cultivars in Guangdong production area, but the cultivated area of Nian Ju significantly decreased due to the affect of HLB. In this study, the HLB-affected Nian Ju branches and fruits were collected. The quantitative Real-time PCR was performed to analyze the CLas distribution pattern in HLB-affected Nian Ju branch and fruit pith. Generally, the HLB-affected Nian Ju branches showed leave mottling and yellowing. However, no obvious symptom was also observed in some new flushes of HLB-affected branches. The severe leaves defoliation was also observed in HLB-affected Nian Ju branches. The fruit of cultivar Nian Ju caused by HLB was small, malformed, seed abortion and uneven coloring (“Red-nose”). Quantification analyses revealed that the CLas distribution in individual Nian Ju branch was uneven. CLas can be stably detected in fruit tissues (pedicle, axis and pith), but not in new flush (leaf midrib and phloem tissue) and stem phloem tissue. Statistical analyses showed that CLas present at highest concentration in fruit tissue (103,360 ± 23,280), which was significantly higher than those in other tissues (p < 0.05). In addition, quantification analyses also found CLas was unevenly distributed in the individual fruit pith. The significantly higher CLas population was observed in the 1.5-cm segment of pith sampled from the middle region (1.5-3.0 cm, 22,654,615 ± 4,528,014) than in the 1.5 cm segment of calyx region (0-1.5cm, 10,423,214 ±2,059,265) and stylar region (4.5-6.0cm, 3,114,303 ± 1,133,173) (p < 0.05). The result of this study provided a reference for further study of CLas transportation and proliferation pattern in citrus plants.
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