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Effects of ethephon induction on flower bud differentiation and endogenous hormone content of three pineapple Cultivars
投稿时间:2022-07-21  修订日期:2022-09-06
中文关键词:  菠萝  花芽分化  激素
英文关键词:pineapple  flower bud differentiation  hormone
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      为实现高效稳定的调控‘台农16号’菠萝、‘台农17号’菠萝和‘金菠萝’3个菠萝栽培品种按照预期开花,本研究以‘台农16号’菠萝、‘台农17号’菠萝和‘金菠萝’为试材,通过乙烯利诱导,研究3个菠萝栽培品种茎尖花芽分化不同时期的细胞学形态以及内源激素含量变化影响。结果表明,3个菠萝品种对乙烯利处理的敏感程度不同,花芽分化时序和花芽分化质量存在差异性,‘金菠萝’较 ‘台农17号’菠萝、‘台农16号’菠萝进入花芽分化初期早2d、4d,且花序轴两侧相同位置的花芽分化更为整齐均匀。激素含量测定结果表明,高水平的ACC促进菠萝的花原基的形成和花器官的分化,IAA可以激活花原基的发育,有利于花器官的形成发育,较低水平的ABA含量促进菠萝进入花芽分化,有利于花原基的形成,并向花分生组织转变,较高水平的ABA含量有利于花器官的形成发育,TZR含量升高对菠萝花芽分化的整个过程都具有促进作用,与花原基形成的数量成正相关。对3个品种中6组不同激素间比值的比较显示,‘金菠萝’较另外两个品种的变化更小,推测不同激素间的平衡的稳定性影响菠萝栽培品种花芽分化质量。
      In order to regulate the flowering process of pineapple cultivars efficiently and stably, three cultivars ‘Tainong 16 ', ‘Tainong 17 'and ‘MD-2 'were used as experimental materials in this study. After ethephon induction treatment, the cytological morphology of the stem tips and flower buds of the above three varieties at different differentiation stages were observed, and the corresponding changes of endogenous hormone content were detected. The results showed that, the sensitivity to ethephon treatment of each variety varied, resulting in different timing of flower bud differentiation. ‘MD-2 ' entered the initial stage of flower bud differentiation 2 days and 4 days earlier than ‘Tainong 16 ' and ‘Tainong 17 ' respectively, and the flower bud differentiation at the same position on both sides of the inflorescence axis of ‘MD-2 ' was more orderly and uniform. The detection of hormone content showed that high level of ACC promoted the formation of flower primordium and differentiation of flower organs. IAA can activate the development of flower primordium, which was conducive to the formation and development of flower organs. A lower level of ABA content promotes the initiation of flower bud differentiation of pineapple, which was conducive to the formation of flower primordium and the transformation to flower meristem. A higher level of ABA content was conducive to the formation and development of flower organs. The increase of TZR content had a promoting effect on the whole process of pineapple flower bud differentiation, and was positively related to the number of flower primordia. The comparison of the ratios of six tested phytohormones in the three varieties showed that the difference of the ratio of ‘MD-2’ was smaller than that of the other two varieties, indicating that the balance between different phytohormones affected the quality of flower bud differentiation of pineapple cultivated varieties.
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