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伍梦婷,钟文奇,陶俊杰,陈双双,贾慧敏,徐小彪,黄春辉.CPPU处理对‘奉黄1 号’猕猴桃果实品质的影响[J].中国南方果树,2023,52(4):
CPPU处理对‘奉黄1 号’猕猴桃果实品质的影响
Effect of CPPU treatment on fruit quality of 'Fenghuang 1' kiwifruit
投稿时间:2022-08-02  修订日期:2022-09-15
中文关键词:  ‘奉黄1号’猕猴桃  CPPU  果实品质
英文关键词:'Fenghuang 1' kiwifruit  CPPU  fruit quality
伍梦婷 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
钟文奇 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
陶俊杰 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
陈双双 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
贾慧敏 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
徐小彪 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
黄春辉* 江西农业大学农学院/猕猴桃研究所 
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      ‘奉黄1号’猕猴桃是本课题组自主选育的黄肉中华猕猴桃新品种,具有性状稳定、生长势强、果形均匀、肉质细腻等优点。为了生产上科学正确地使用氯吡脲(CPPU)以提高果实品质,也为该新品种的推广应用提供技术支撑,本研究进行了CPPU最佳处理浓度和最佳处理时期的筛选。分别选用1.0 mL·L-1 、2.5 mL·L-1、4.0 mL·L-1、5.5 mL·L-1、7.0 mL·L-1、8.5 mL·L-1、10.0 mL·L-1 8个不同浓度和盛花后15天、20天、25天、30天、35天、40天、45天7个时期对‘奉黄1号’猕猴桃进行了CPPU浸果处理,对照组用清水浸果处理。待果实成熟时分别采集各处理果实样品,检测单果重、果形指数、糖酸、干物质、抗坏血酸、色素含量等品质指标,并通过主成分分析筛选出最佳处理浓度和最佳处理时期。结果显示,2.5~5.5 mL·L-1 CPPU处理能显著增加果实单果重,提高类胡萝卜素与叶绿素比值,改善着色,降低可滴定酸含量改善果实风味,降低果实硬度促进果实成熟。盛花后早期使用CPPU能显著地提高果实的单果重,但果实中抗坏血酸含量和糖酸比则会随着处理时间的推后而逐渐增高。综合可知,对‘奉黄1号’猕猴桃进行CPPU处理的最佳时期是盛花后15天到30天,最适宜浓度为2.5~5.5 mL·L-1。
      'Fenghuang 1' kiwifruit is a new variety of Chinese kiwifruit with yellow meat, which was independently bred by our research group, with stable characters, strong plant growth, uniform fruit shape and fine meat quality. In order to scientifically and correctly use chlorfenuron (CPPU) to improve fruit quality, it also provides technical support for the promotion and application of this new variety. In this study, the optimal concentration of CPPU treatment was firstly screened, and then the optimal treatment period was screened.The 'Fenghuang 1' kiwifruit was treated with CPPU at 8 different concentrations(1.0 mL·L-1, 2.5 mL·L-1, 4.0 mL·L-1, 5.5 mL·L-1, 7.0 mL·L-1, 8.5 mL·L-1, 10.0 mL·L-1) and 7 different periods(15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 days after flowering), and the control group was treated with water. When the fruit was ripe, the kiwi fruit with 'Fenghuang 1' was collected. Single fruit weight, fruit shape index, sugar acid, dry matter, ascorbate, pigment content and other fruit quality indexes were detected, and the optimal concentration and optimal time of treating 'Fenghuang 1' kiwifruit CPPU were selected by principal component analysis. The results showed that 2.5-5.5 mL·L-1 treatment could improve 'Fenghuang 1' fruit quality has a good effect, can significantly increase fruit weight, improve carotenoid and chlorophyll ratio to improve coloring, reduce titratable acid content to improve fruit flavor, reduce fruit hardness and promote fruit ripening. Treatment of 'Fenghuang 1' kiwifruit with CPPU in different periods showed that the application of CPPU in the early stage after flowering significantly increased the fruit weight per fruit, but the content of ascorbic acid and sugar-acid ratio in the fruit increased gradually with the delay of treatment time The best time for kiwifruit CPPU treatment is 15 to 30 days after flowering, and the optimal concentration is 2.5 to 5.5 mL·L-1.
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