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张敏,彭志军,赵凯,周俊良,马玉华.采后复合肥、中微量元素配施施肥 对‘蜂糖李’根际土壤、叶片养分及果实产量、品质的影响[J].中国南方果树,2023,52(4):
采后复合肥、中微量元素配施施肥 对‘蜂糖李’根际土壤、叶片养分及果实产量、品质的影响
Effects of postharvest application of compound fertilizer combined with medium and trace element on rhizosphere soil, leaf nutrients, fruit yield and quality of ''Fengtang'' plum
投稿时间:2022-11-23  修订日期:2022-12-26
中文关键词:  蜂糖李  采后施肥  土壤养分  叶片养分  果实产量  果实品质
英文关键词:Fengtang plum  Postharvest fertilization  soil nutrients  leaf nutrients  fruit yield  fruit quality
张敏 贵州省农业科学院 果树研究所 
彭志军 贵州省农业科学院 果树研究所 
赵凯 贵州省农业科学院 果树研究所 
周俊良 贵州省农业科学院果树科学研究所 
马玉华* 贵州省农业科学院 果树研究所 
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      【Objective】To study the effects of postharvest fertilization on soil, leaf nutrients, fruit yield and quality of "Fengtang" plum, and to provide a basis for fertilization of Fengtang plum. 【Method】The 5-year-old "Fengtang" plum with normal growth and consistent tree vigor was selected as the test material. There are 3 treatments: postharvest balanced (15-15-15) compound fertilizer + medium and trace elements (treatment A), postharvest application of high potassium (16-8-21) compound fertilizer + medium and trace elements (treatment B) , no postharvest fertilization (ck), to study the effects of postharvest fertilization on the soil, leaf nutrients, fruit yield and quality of "Fengtang" plum【Result】Postharvest fertilization significantly increased the content of alkaline nitrogen and available potassium in the Fengtang plum orchard, The increase rate is above 24% and 141% respectively, and the content of available phosphorus in the soil is significantly increased by using balanced fertilizer; the content of nitrogen and potassium in the leaf is significantly increased, and the increase rate is above 5.6% and 36.3% respectively, and the phosphorus content in the leaf has little effect; fruit potassium content is significantly increased , by more than 31.9%, and the fruit yield and single fruit weight of "Fengtang" plum were significantly increased by more than 126% and 9.6%. Post-harvest fertilization delayed fruit ripening, compared with the control fruit in the same period, thus resulted in significantlydecreased quality. In terms of replenishing soil nutrients, increasing leaf nutrients, and increasing yield and single fruit weight, postharvest application of high-potassium compound fertilizers has the best effect.【Conclusion】Postharvest fertilization can significantly increase the content of alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium in the rhizosphere soil of "Fengtang" plum, the content of total nitrogen, total potassium, and fruit potassium, and increase the yield per plant and fruit weight. And also resulted in ripening delay (decrease fruit chroma angle, firmness, soluble solids, solid-acid ratio, increase fruit titratable acid, vitamin C content). Compared with the three-element balanced fertilizer (15-15-15), the postharvest application of high-nitrogen and high-potassium compound fertilizer (16-8-21) had the highest yield, the largest single fruit weight, and a better comprehensive yield increase effect.
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