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Evaluation analysis of flower morphology and fruit quality traits in blackberry fruits with different fruit firmness
投稿时间:2022-12-09  修订日期:2022-12-09
中文关键词:  黑莓  果实硬度  外观品质  营养品质  相关性分析
英文关键词:Blackberry  fruit firmness  appearance quality  nutritional quality  correlation analysis
李洁 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 
王佳鸾 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 
吴文龙 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 
李维林 南京林业大学 
张春红* 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 
摘要点击次数: 897
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      In order to evaluate the firmness formation of blackberry fruit directly and effectively, in this study, 17 blackberry varieties were used to analyze the fruit firmness, flower traits and fruit appearance quality traits, and then high and low hardness varieties were selected to evaluate the changes of fruit shape, nutritional quality traits, and antioxidant content in different coloring periods, and the correlation between each trait and the mature fruit hardness was analyzed. The results showed that the fruit hardness of blackberry varieties was the highest in “10-5n-2”, and the fruit hardness of “early black” varieties was the lowest. From the view of flower characters, the petals of low hardness blackberry varieties are mainly white and single petal type, while the high hardness varieties contain multiple flower colors and double petal types. The number of petals and flowers per inflorescence are significantly positively correlated with fruit hardness. From the aspect of fruit appearance, the smaller fruit shape is harder, and the larger fruit is softer. The 100 seed weight in the fruit is significantly positively correlated with the hardness. From the changes of nutrient content in fruits with high and low hardness at different coloring stages, the soluble sugar content of high hardness varieties increased more than that of low hardness varieties from color changing stage to maturity stage; The soluble solid content and solid acid ratio of high hardness varieties were higher than those of low hardness varieties at maturity; The content of titratable acid was higher in red fruit stage among varieties with different hardness. Except titratable acid, the contents of all nutrients were positively correlated with the firmness of mature fruits. From the content of antioxidant substances in different coloring stages of high and low hardness fruits, the total polyphenol content, total flavone content in each stage, and anthocyanin content in mature stage of high hardness blackberry varieties are higher than those of low hardness blackberry varieties, while the content of ascorbic acid in mature stage of low hardness blackberry varieties is higher than that of high hardness blackberry varieties. The contents of anthocyanins was positively correlated with fruit firmness. The evaluation of flower and fruit characters of different hardness varieties and the correlation analysis with fruit hardness can provide reference for fruit hardness evaluation and selection and cultivation of high hardness varieties.
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