谭宇捷,刘海林,杨红竹,黄丽娜,程世敏,林清火,茶正早,罗微.缓释肥料棒对香蕉生长、产量及品质的影响[J].中国南方果树,2024,53(1): |
缓释肥料棒对香蕉生长、产量及品质的影响 |
Effect of Slow Release Fertilizer Stick on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Banana |
投稿时间:2022-12-16 修订日期:2023-02-07 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 香蕉 缓释肥料棒 养分积累 产量 品质 |
英文关键词:Banana Slow release fertilizer stick Nutrient accumulation Yield Quality Nutrient utilization rate |
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金(320QN348),中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(1630022022002),国家香蕉产业技术体系儋州综合试验站(CARS-31-20)。通讯作者:罗微(1968—),研究员,主要从事土壤肥料学、植物营养学等方面的研究,E-mail: rkylw@163.com第一作者:谭宇捷(1998—),硕士研究生,研究方向农艺与种业,E-mail:531466457@qq.com ,2,刘海林2,杨红竹2,黄丽娜3,程世敏3,林清火2,茶正早2,罗微2,* |
摘要点击次数: 1696 |
全文下载次数: 785 |
中文摘要: |
为了研究缓释肥料棒对香蕉的生长、产量和品质的影响,为缓释肥料棒在香蕉上的应用提供理论基础,本试验设置了常规施肥(CT)、缓释肥料棒(F1)、缓释肥料棒减施20%(F2)和不施肥处理(CK)4个处理,分析了各处理对香蕉株高、茎围、叶片数、养分积累量、产量与品质的影响。结果表明:F1处理的总叶片数较CT处理显著提升6.55%,氮素积累量较CT处理提高了2.36%; F2处理磷、钾的积累量较CT处理显著提高了14.13%,24.40%。与CT处理相比,缓释肥料棒处理能显著增加单株产量16.9%~17.63%,香蕉可食率较CT处理显著提高了6.46%~10.06%,但对香蕉可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和Vc含量无显著影响。因此,综合考虑香蕉生长发育、养分积累、产量、品质以及施肥次数,缓释肥料棒减施20%为供试条件下最优施肥处理。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to study the effects of slow release fertilizer stick on the growth, yield and quality of bananas and provide a theoretical basis for the application of slow release fertilizer stick on bananas, four treatments were set up in this experiment: conventional fertilization (CT), slow release fertilizer stick (F1), 20% reduction of slow release fertilizer stick (F2) and no fertilization treatment (CK). The effects of each treatment on banana plant height, stem circumference, leaf number, nutrient accumulation, yield and quality were analyzed. The results showed that the total leaf number of F1 treatment was significantly increased by 6.55% compared with CT treatment, and the nitrogen accumulation was increased by 2.36% compared with CT treatment; The accumulation of phosphorus and potassium in F2 treatment was 14.13% and 24.40% higher than that in CT treatment. Compared with CT treatment, slow release fertilizer stick treatment can significantly increase the yield per plant by 16.9%~17.63%, and the edible rate of banana is significantly increased by 6.46%~10.06% compared with CT treatment, but it has no significant effect on the content of soluble solids, titratable acid and Vc of banana. Therefore, considering banana growth and development, nutrient accumulation, yield, quality and fertilization times, 20% reduction of slow release fertilizer rod was the best fertilization treatment under the test conditions. |
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