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Effects of partial replacement of chemical nitrogen fertilizer by organic fertilizer on yield, quality and nitrogen use efficiency of table grape
投稿时间:2022-12-26  修订日期:2023-03-02
中文关键词:  有机肥  葡萄  阳光玫瑰  产量  品质  光合特性
英文关键词:Organic fertilizer  Grapes  Shine Muscat  Yield  Quality  Photosynthetic characteristics
黄粤林 湖南农业大学 
彭建伟* 湖南农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 1136
全文下载次数: 0
      以当前种植面较大的鲜食葡萄阳光玫瑰为研究对象,探讨有机肥替代部分化学氮肥对其生产的应用效果。本文于2020-2021年采用田间小区试验,研究了有机肥替代部分化学氮肥对鲜食葡萄产量、品质、光合特性及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:与常规施肥处理相比,有机肥替代10%~30%化学氮肥处理的鲜食葡萄单穗质量、产量和氮肥利用率分别提高4.89%~10.16%、6.23%~18.28%和5.53~10.89个百分点,鲜有机肥适量替代鲜食葡萄化学氮肥处理的增产增收效果较常规施肥好。有机肥替代化学氮肥处理相较常规施肥处理的净光合速率提高1.31%~18.29%,葡萄功能叶SPAD均值且随着有机肥替代化学氮肥量的增加而呈先升后降的趋势。有机肥替代化学氮肥处理随着替代量的增加,鲜食葡萄产量与净光合速率呈先增加后降低的趋势。此外,有机肥替代化学氮肥处理总糖含量显著增加33.37%~45.57%,Vc含量9.64%~24.50%,可溶性固形物增加1.08%~2.52%,总酸度显著降低达-1.98%~ 18.64%;糖酸比提升33.90%~78.04%。综合以上结果,有机肥替代化学氮肥对葡萄光合特性与氮肥利用率均有显著改善,并提高品质及产量,有机肥替代20%化学氮肥处理(08N+OF)处理为最佳配比比例。
      The application effect of organic fertilizer replacing part of chemical nitrogen fertilizer on the production of Sunny Rose, a fresh table grape with large surface, was studied. In this study, a field plot experiment was conducted from 2020 to 2021 to study the effects of partial substitution of chemical nitrogen fertilizer by organic fertilizer on yield, quality, photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen efficiency of table grape. The results show that: Compared with conventional fertilization treatment, the weight, yield and nitrogen use efficiency of single ear of fresh grape were increased by 4.89%~10.16%, 6.23%~18.28% and 5.53~10.89 percentage points, respectively, when organic fertilizer replaced 10%~30% chemical nitrogen fertilizer treatment. The effect of fresh organic fertilizer replacing chemical nitrogen fertilizer was better than that of conventional fertilizer. Compared with conventional fertilizer treatment, the net photosynthetic rate of organic fertilizer replacing chemical nitrogen was increased by 1.31% to 18.29%. The mean SPAD of grape functional leaves increased first and then decreased with the increase of organic fertilizer replacing chemical nitrogen. With the increase of the substitution amount of organic fertilizer for chemical nitrogen fertilizer, the yield and net photosynthetic rate of table grape increased first and then decreased. In addition, the total sugar content, Vc content and soluble solids increased significantly by 33.37%-45.57%, 9.64%-24.50%, 1.08%-2.52%, and total acidity decreased significantly by -1.98%-18.64%. Sugar-acid ratio increased by 33.90%~78.04%. Based on the above results, the photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency OF grape were significantly improved by replacing chemical nitrogen fertilizer with organic fertilizer, and the quality and yield were improved. The best proportion of organic fertilizer replacing 20% chemical nitrogen fertilizer treatment (08N+OF) was found.
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