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Anatomical observation in structure characters of fruit growth and development of seedless chestnut rose (Rosa sterilis)
投稿时间:2022-12-26  修订日期:2023-02-05
中文关键词:  无籽刺梨  果实发育  种子  形态结构  细胞学结构
英文关键词:seedless chestnut rose  fruit development  seeds  fruit  growth and development
杜倩 贵州大学 
李昌颖 贵州大学 
宋贞富 安顺市农业科学院 
钟思玲 安顺市农业科学院 
周奎 贵州大学 
文晓鹏* 贵州大学 
摘要点击次数: 701
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      本文以贵州无籽刺梨果实为材料,对果实发育进程中的形态和显微结构特征进行测定和观察,旨在为揭示无籽刺梨果实发育的机制提供参考。结果表明,无籽刺梨果实生长发育可分为4个阶段,即阶段1 (S1)、阶段2 (S2)、阶段3 (S3)和阶段4 (S4)。在S1阶段,果实细胞经历快速分裂,维管束木质化程度低,韧皮部比较发达,部分薄壁细胞中储存淀粉粒,未观察到石细胞;随后在S2阶段细胞再次分裂,维管束部分木质化,石细胞出现,此阶段含大量淀粉粒;在S3阶段,细胞膨大,维管束发达,石细胞含量增多,淀粉粒减少;最后在S4阶段,细胞间隙变大,维管束可见度降低,淀粉粒完全消失,石细胞含量降低,果实达到生理成熟。无籽刺梨败育种子未观察到胚和胚乳,且种皮以内的内部系统皱缩且胚柄系统断裂。无籽刺梨子房壁直接发育而成的果皮特化为三个组织层,即外果皮、中果皮和内果皮,果实在S1阶段快速生长,在S2阶段缓慢生长,S3阶段快速生长,S4阶段缓慢生长,整个果实生长发育呈双S型曲线生长模式。无籽刺梨未授粉的胚珠发育中止,导致种子败育。
      In this paper, the morphological and microstructural characteristics of the fruit development process were measured and observed with seedless chestnut rose fruits in Guizhou, aiming to provide a reference for revealing the mechanism of seedless chestnut rose fruit development. The results showed that seedless chestnut rose fruit growth and development could be divided into four stages, namely stage 1 (S1), stage 2 (S2), stage 3 (S3) and stage 4 (S4). At the S1 stage, fruit cells underwent rapid division, with low lignification of vascular bundles, relatively well-developed sclerotia, starch grains stored in some thin-walled cells, and no stone cells were observed; Subsequently, at the S2 stage the cells divided again, the vascular bundles were partially lignified and stone cells appeared, which contained a large number of starch grains at this stage; At S3 stage, cells were expanded, vascular bundles were developed, stone cell content was increased, and starch grains were reduced; Finally, at the S4 stage, the cell gap became larger, the visibility of vascular bundles decreased, starch grains disappeared completely, stone cell content decreased, and the fruit reached physiological maturity. seedless chestnut rose aborted seeds were not observed for embryo and endosperm, and the internal system within the seed coat was wrinkled and the embryo stalk system was broken. Seedless chestnut rose ovary wall directly developed from the pericarp specialized in three tissue layers, namely exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp, the fruit growed fast in S1 stage, growed slowly in S2 stage, growed fast in S3 stage, growed slowly in S4 stage, the whole fruit growth and development was a double S-shaped curve growth pattern. seedless chestnut rose unpollinated ovule development was aborted, resulting in seed abortion.
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