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    主  编:陈善春
    地  址:重庆市北碚区歇马街道柑桔研究所内
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The growth status of six varieties of highbush blueberries in different elevation areas in Guizhou Province
投稿时间:2023-01-07  修订日期:2023-03-21
中文关键词:  高丛蓝莓  海拔生态区  生长发育  表现
英文关键词:Highbush  Blueberry, Altitude  Ecological Zone, Growth, Status
基金项目:农业农村部国家葡萄(蓝莓)产业技术体系任务(CARS-29-24);贵州省科技重大专项(黔科合重大专项字(2015)6013);贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合支撑(2021)一般232);贵州省生物研究所科技计划项目(黔生所字[2021]02号)。第一作者:文光琴(1977-),女,高级工程师,主要从事小浆果繁殖及栽培研究等工作,。*通讯作者:聂飞(1965-),男,研究员,主要从事小浆果繁殖及栽培研究等工作,E-mail:。 *
文光琴 贵州省植物园 
赵亮清 贵州省植物园 
周荧 贵州省生物研究所 
廖优江 贵州省植物园 
聂飞 贵州省植物园 
摘要点击次数: 1138
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      Six varieties of highbush blueberry which included Legacy, South big, Emerald, Misty, Jewel and Bluerain were selected to do cultivating experiments in four ecological zones at an altitude of 760m, 1190m, 1500m and 1850m for exploring their adaptability in different altitude ecological areas in Guizhou Province. The results showed that: The tree height of Legacy, Emerald, Misty and Bluerain showed an upward and downward trend with the increase in altitude, while that of South big and Jewel decreased continuously, among which the decline trend of Jewel was the most obvious. The yield per plant of five varieties except Legacy also showed a significant decreasing trend. With the increase of altitude, the sprouting ability and growth of new branches of 6 varieties changed from strong to weak, the early flowering stage, full flowering stage, fruit ripening stage and fruit harvest period were delayed, and the fruit size gradually changed from large to small. The contents of soluble solids, Vc and soluble protein in high altitude were higher than those in middle and low altitude, while the content of titratable acid increased at first and then decreased. The total anthocyanin contents of all varieties were positively correlated with altitude, and the amino acid contents of Emerald, Misty, Jewel and Bluerain also increased with the increase of altitude, and the ranges were 24.45-31.10mg/g, 26.83-39.50mg/g, 19.64-29.40mg/g and 23.82-35.40mg/g, respectively. The content of volatile compounds in Jewel and Bluerain decreased with the increase of altitude, which were 431.28-141.7 μg/g and 89.54-46.2 μg/g, respectively, while those of South big and Emerald were 256.24-303.20 μg/g and 123.52-221.5 μg/g, respectively.
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