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‘Zhongli No.5’, a high-quality crisp Chinese plum cultivar
投稿时间:2023-04-28  修订日期:2023-06-26
中文关键词:  中国李  大果型  优质  丰产
英文关键词:Chinese plum  large fruit size  good quality  high yield
黄振宇 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
夏乐晗 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
刘红君 濮阳县林业科学研究所 
陈龙 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
陈玉玲* 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所 
摘要点击次数: 671
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      ‘中李5号’李是以‘青脆李’为母本经自然实生选育而成。该品种生长势较强,树姿半开张;在河南省郑州市观察,3月上旬进入初花期,3月中旬进入盛花期,花期持续约10 d;果实发育期约120 d,于7月中旬成熟;果实近圆形,果顶扁平,缝合线浅,平均单果重46.8 g,果皮呈黄绿色,不着红色,果面有明显果粉层;果肉呈浅黄色,肉质细腻、硬脆,汁液多,纤维少,风味酸甜,无香气;果实可溶性固形物含量15.8%,维生素C含量6.82 mg/100 g,可溶性糖含量9.62%,可滴定酸含量0.82%,可食率97.9%;该品种5年生树的株产可达32 kg以上,丰产能力较强,在河南及周边省市李树适生区均可栽植。
      ‘Zhongli No.5’, a high quality crisp Chinese plum cultivar (Prunus salicina L.), was newly selected from natural-bred offspring of ‘Qingcuili’. The tree habit is semi-spreading and tree vigor is relatively strong. When observed in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, the floral bud of ‘Zhongli No.5’ plum starts germinating in late-February, the early blossom date is in early-March, the full blossom date is in mid-March, and the flowering period is approximately 10 days. The fruit development period is about 120 days. The ripening date is mid to late-July in Zhengzhou City. The fruit shape of ‘Zhongli No.5’ plum is near round with attract appearance and the average fruit weight is 46.8 g, and the maximum fruit weight can reach up to 68.0 g, which is relatively large in crisp Chinese plum cultivar group. The ground color of fruit is yellowish green with no red color observed. The peel of ‘Zhongli No.5’ plum fruit is medium thick and covered with thin skin powder, and the flesh is light yellow in color, firm and crisp in texture, and with a low fiber content. The fruit is with a very rich content in juice, and exhibits a balanced sugar/acid ratio. The fruit soluble solids content is 15.8%, the total soluble sugar content is 9.62%, the total titratable acid content is 0.82%, and the Vitamin C content is 6.82 mg/100 g. The fruit of ‘Zhongli No.5’ can be stored at room temperature for approximately 15 days. Fruiting starts at the second year and high yield period usually comes at the fourth year after grafting, and the average yield of a five-year tree can reach up to 32.0 kg. Overall, ‘Zhongli No.5’ plum is a new mid-ripening cultivar which exhibits strong suitability to undesirable circumstances, and is highly and stably productive for high quality fruits, it is suitable to be cultivated in Henan Province and the surrounding provinces and cities.
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