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投稿时间:2023-08-04  修订日期:2023-08-15
中文关键词:  砧穗组合苹果  香气  GC-MS  香气活性值  主成分分析  正交偏最小二乘判别分析  
英文关键词:combination of rootstock and ear, apple  Aroma  GC-MS  OVA  PCA  OPLS-DA
贾永华* 宁夏农林科学院园艺研究所 
马军 宁夏农林科学院园艺研究所 
李晓龙 宁夏农林科学院园艺研究所 
许泽华 宁夏农林科学院园艺研究所 
李百云 宁夏农林科学院园艺研究所 
摘要点击次数: 511
全文下载次数: 96
      Rootstock grafting is an effective way for apples to adapt to regional differences. In order to explore the impact of rootstock/scion combinations on fruit flavor and quality, six main varieties of rootstock and scion combinations were selected, including "Xinjiang Wild Apple+M26+Liquan Short Rich", "Xinjiang Wild Apple+M26+Yanfu 10", "Xinjiang Wild Apple+M26+Yuhua Early Rich", "Baling Haitang+SH1+Changfu 2", "Baling Haitang+Changfu 2", and "Baling Haitang+Liquan Short Rich", Determine the physiological quality and aroma components of fruits. Simultaneously using principal component analysis and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis to evaluate the differences in aroma of different varieties. The results showed that the combination of Liquan short rich and rootstock exhibited superior fruit quality and showed good affinity. A total of 79 volatile substances were detected through qualitative and quantitative analysis of aroma, including 9 alcohols, 31 esters, 3 acids, 5 aldehydes, 24 terpenes, and 7 other types. The content of aromatic compounds is 27.2%~43.35% for esters, 19.65%~34.24% for terpenes, and below 14% for other categories. Cluster analysis showed that the content of 24 aroma components was the main aroma component of the mature rootstock ear combination apple fruit, including 10 esters, 3 acids, 6 terpenes, 2 alcohols, and 3 other types. Further analysis and evaluation of characteristic aromas were conducted. Principal component analysis showed that Ms+SH1+C and Ms+C were mainly characterized by compounds with pineapple and fruit aromas such as n-valeric acid, isoamyl octanoate, and n-butanol; Ms+M26+S is characterized by trans-2-hexenal, hexyl hexanoate, Ethyl hexanoate and caprylic acid with fatty taste, green apple and fruit flavor; The main characteristic aromas of Ms+M26+E, Ms+M26+Y, and Mm+S are decanal with a green grass aroma. Five aroma characteristic substances with VIP>1 were screened out by orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis, which were trans-2-hexenal, farnesol, decanal, Ethyl hexanoate and isoamyl octanoate in descending order of contribution. To provide reference for the introduction, cultivation, breeding, and deep processing of Fuji apples in Ningxia region.
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