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李 双,张 驰,檀苏红,耿晶晶,王文江.氮磷钾配比施肥对君迁子幼树生长及生理生化特性的影响[J].中国南方果树,2024,53(5):
Effects of NPK ratio fertilization on growth and physiological and biochemical characteristics of Diospyros lotus L saplings
投稿时间:2023-08-06  修订日期:2023-09-08
中文关键词:  氮磷钾  配比施肥  君迁子幼树  生长  生理
英文关键词:nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium  proportional fertilization  Diospyros lotus L.  growth  physiology
李 双 河北农业大学园艺学院 
张 驰 河北农业大学园艺学院 
檀苏红 河北农业大学河北省山区研究所河北省山区农业技术创新中心国家北方山区农业工程技术研究中心 
耿晶晶 河北农业大学河北省山区研究所河北省山区农业技术创新中心国家北方山区农业工程技术研究中心 
王文江* 河北农业大学河北省山区研究所河北省山区农业技术创新中心国家北方山区农业工程技术研究中心 
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      君迁子是我国重要的经济树种之一,常用作柿树的砧木,本身也具有很高的经济价值。目前对于柿及君迁子的施肥研究相对匮乏、管理比较盲目。针对这一现状,以三年生君迁子幼树为试材,通过土壤盆栽试验,采用L16(34)正交设计进行N、P、K配比施肥,旨在寻找一种适宜其生长的施肥配方。研究结果表明,合适的氮磷钾配比施肥对其生长及生理生化指标有着显著的影响,其中氮钾元素对君迁子幼树的生长发育起到重要作用,磷素协同辅助。地上部一年生生物产量在N2P1K3处理达到最高值657.28 g。高氮水平处理净光合速率显著优于其他处理,并且随着磷水平的升高而降低,在N3P0K3处理达到最高值,较对照增加了44.76%,N3P1K2处理的叶绿素a和叶绿素b两个指标达到最高值2.02 mg/g和1.14 mg/g。叶片全氮含量在低氮水平(N1P0K1)出现最高值21.26 g/kg;全磷和全钾含量均随施肥量的增加先上升后下降,分别在N1P3K2、N2P1K3出现最高值2.11 g/kg、30.25 g/kg。将各项指标进行隶属函数综合评价分析得出效果最佳的处理为N2P1K3(即N 5.6 g/株+P2O5 4.18 g/株+K2O 8.56 g/株)。
      Diospyros lotus L. is one of the important economic tree species in China, which often used as the rootstock of persimmon trees and also has high economic value. At present, the research on fertilization of Diospyros kaki Thunb. and Diospyros lotus L. is relatively scarce and the management is blind. In view of this situation, the three-year-old young trees of Diospyros lotus L. were used as test materials to conduct soil pot experiment. Based on L16 (34) orthogonal design, N, P and K ratio fertilization was carried out to find a suitable fertilization formula for its growth. The annual biomass yield of aboveground part reached the highest value of 657.28 g in N2P1K3 treatment. The net photosynthetic rate of high nitrogen level treatment was significantly better than that of other treatments, and decreased with the increase of phosphorus level. It reached the highest value in N3P0K3 treatment, which increased by 44.76 % compared with the control, and the two indexes of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in N3P1K2 treatment reached the highest value of 2.02 mg/g and 1.14 mg/g. The total nitrogen content of leaves reached the highest value of 21.26 g/kg at low nitrogen level (N1P0K1). The content of total phosphorus and total potassium increased first and then decreased with the increase of fertilizer application, and the highest values were 2.11 g/kg and 30.25 g/kg in N1P3K2 and N2P1K3, respectively. The membership function comprehensive evaluation analysis of each index shows that the best treatment is N2P1K3. (i.e., urea N 5.60 g/plant + P2O5 4.18 g/plant + K2O 8.56 g/plant).
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