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Identification and comprehensive evaluation of morphological indicators related to dwarfing of Yunnan mango germplasm resources
投稿时间:2023-08-09  修订日期:2023-10-23
中文关键词:  关键词:云南  芒果  矮化性状  形态指标  鉴定  综合评价
英文关键词:Keywords: Yunnan  mango  dwarfing characteristics  morphological indicators  identification  comprehensive evaluation
连文斌* 海南大学园艺学院 2.中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所, 
摘要点击次数: 401
全文下载次数: 47
      摘 要:芒果是重要的热带水果,研发有效的矮化鉴定评价方法对于挖掘和利用芒果矮化资源,以及加速矮化品种选育至关重要。本研究以云南华坪县芒果种质资源圃180份芒果种质资源为研究材料,测定秋梢长度、秋梢直径、叶柄长度、叶柄宽度等7个可能与矮化相关的形态指标,采用相关性分析、正态分布检验、隶属函数和主成分分析相结合的方法,对180份芒果资源进行矮化等级评级并鉴定、筛选适合芒果矮化的综合评价体系。结果表明:秋梢长度等7个相关形态指标均具有较好的遗传多样性,符合或近似符合正态分布特点;主成分分析获得了 3 个主成分可解释相关指标71.845%的原始数据信息量,初步明确了秋梢长度等7 个相关性状作为芒果矮化综合评价的主要形态指标,可用于有效评价芒果种质的矮化性状。矮化综合评价结果将180份芒果种质划分为5个等级,其中Ⅰ级(矮化)8份,Ⅱ级(半矮化)12份,Ⅲ级(亚乔化)66 份,Ⅳ级(乔化)60份,Ⅴ级(极乔化)34 份,筛选出桂热芒71号、红光3号、Bangchpalli(板迟黎)、爱文、高州吕宋、凌水大芒、龙井大芒、墨西哥芒、巴西红芒、陈皮芒、翠云、桂热芒3号、凯豪芒、凯特、南豆芒4号、热研16号、Appee(苹果芒)、krs(凯瑞斯)、肯特、热农2号等一批矮化或半矮化的种质资源。本研究结果表明采用秋梢长度等7个主要形态指标为测定参数,基于主成分分析的综合评价方法进行芒果矮化性状的鉴定评价是准确可靠的,为芒果矮化资源的深入发掘和开发利用提供了科学依据。
      Abstract: Mango is an important tropical fruit, and the development of effective methods for dwarfing identification and evaluation is crucial for the exploration, utilization, and accelerated breeding of dwarfing mango resources. In this study, 180 mango germplasm resources from Huaping County, Yunnan, were used as research materials. Seven morphological indicators potentially related to dwarfing, including autumn shoot length, autumn shoot diameter, petiole length, and petiole width, were measured. A combined approach of correlation analysis, normal distribution test, membership function, and principal component analysis was employed to grade and identify the dwarfing levels of the 180 mango resources and establish a comprehensive evaluation system suitable for mango dwarfing. The results showed that the seven correlated morphological indicators, including autumn shoot length, exhibited good genetic diversity and followed or approximated a normal distribution. Principal component analysis extracted three components, explaining 71.845% of the original data information for the correlated indicators, preliminarily confirming the significance of autumn shoot length and the other seven correlated traits as major morphological indicators for the comprehensive evaluation of mango dwarfing. These indicators can effectively evaluate the dwarfing characteristics of mango germplasm. The comprehensive evaluation results classified the 180 mango germplasm resources into five levels: Level I (dwarfing) with 8 resources, Level II (semi-dwarfing) with 12 resources, Level III (sub-dwarfing) with 66 resources, Level IV (semi-erect) with 60 resources, and Level V (erect) with 34 resources. Several dwarfing or semi-dwarfing germplasm resources were identified, including Guire 71, Hongguang 3, Bangchpalli, Aiwen, Gaozhou Lüsong, Lingshui Daming, Longjing Daming, Mexican Mango, Brazilian Red Mango, Chenpi Mango, Cuiyun, Guire 3, Kaihao Mango, Kaitai, Nandou Mango 4, Renong 16, Appee, Krs, Kent, and Renong 2. The study demonstrated that using autumn shoot length and the other seven major morphological indicators as measurement parameters and employing a comprehensive evaluation method based on principal component analysis for dwarfing characteristics is accurate and reliable. This study provides a scientific basis for the in-depth exploration and development of mango dwarfing resources.
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