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Fine warning technology for Jiangxi honey pomelo freezing damage based on CMA-GD model
投稿时间:2023-10-16  修订日期:2023-12-25
中文关键词:  蜜柚冻害,逐小时,格点预报,CMA-GD模式
英文关键词:honey pomelo  freezing damage  hourly  grid prediction  CMA-GD model
杨爱萍 江西省农业气象中心 
李翔翔 江西省农业气象中心 
张瑛* 江西省农业气象中心 
吴茵 江西省农业技术推广中心 
李健 新余市气象局 
摘要点击次数: 140
全文下载次数: 25
      Low temperature and freezing injury in winter is a meteorological factor that restricts the development of Jiangxi honey pomelo industry. According to the weather forecast information, it is of great significance to monitor and warn the freezing damage of honey pomelo to ensure its safe production. This article applies the intelligent grid forecasting product of CMA-GD model in Jiangxi Province to predict the hourly temperature of 2m in the area, constructs meteorological grade indicators for predicting the freezing damage of honey pomelo, and conducts a warning experiment on the freezing damage of Jiangxi honey pomelo during the overwintering period in 2021. The typical process analysis method is used to analyze the feasibility of conducting hourly freezing damage warning of honey pomelo based on CMA-GD model. The established meteorological level indicators for freezing damage of honey pomelo are consistent with the actual symptoms and degree of freezing damage of honey pomelo, and can be applied in the early warning service of freezing damage. The actual monitoring product of honey pomelo freezing damage generated based on CLDAS data can comprehensively reflect the entire process of the beginning, development, and end of freezing damage. The CMA-GD model based warning product for the freezing damage level of honey pomelo can predict the start time of freezing damage 4 days in advance, accurately capture the changes in the occurrence and development of freezing damage 3 days in advance, and has good prediction ability for times with severe freezing damage; however, early warning products have significant prediction bias towards the degree of frost damage, and the prediction bias has not improved as the prediction time approaches. The refined warning technology for Jiangxi honey pomelo freezing damage based on CMA-GD model can provide technological support for initiating the warning of honey pomelo freezing damage, early understanding of the severity of honey pomelo freezing damage, and the stage of occurrence and development of honey pomelo freezing damage. however, the product''s ability to support the estimated degree of frost damage still needs to be improved.
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