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Effects of two kinds of flower-forcing agents on the flower forcing effect of Tainong No.4 pineapple
投稿时间:2023-12-19  修订日期:2024-01-23
中文关键词:  台农4号菠萝  乙烯利  催花  
英文关键词:Tainong No.4 pineapple  Ethephon  Flower forcing
邓彪 广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所 
刘业强 广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所 
徐健 广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所 
陈仁雄 广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所 
张丹 福建农林大学 
郑平 福建农林大学 
王路路 福建农林大学 
覃植盛 广西华农凤梨现代农业科技有限公司 
韦建烈 广西华农凤梨现代农业科技有限公司 
杜路淼 福建农林大学 
秦源 福建农林大学 
王小媚* 广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所 
摘要点击次数: 587
全文下载次数: 128
      In contrast to the common practice of inducing flowering in Tainong No. 4 pineapple through 2-3 treatments with calcium carbide, which is complex in practice and not conducive to green friendly production, our study employs ethephon, a natural plant growth regulator, for inducing flowering in Tainong No. 4, and compares the the effects of different concentrations of the two flowering agents on the rate of flowering induction, fruit quality, and crop yield in Tainong No. 4. The results demonstrate that the cultivar Tainong No. 4 is highly sensitive to ethephon for flowering induction. Even at a very low concentration (16000-fold dilution), the flowering induction rate can exceed 99%. However, at higher concentrations (500 and 1000-fold), there is no significant difference in the average single fruit weight between the ethephon (40%) and calcium carbide treatment groups, both exceeding 1.08 kg. On the other hand, at low concentrations (2000 and 16000-fold), a 40% ethephon treatment leads to a decrease in fruit weight. Regarding the fruit appearance, a high concentration of ethephon significantly increases the proportion of cylindrical-shaped in Tainong No. 4. Furthermore, the rate of cylindrical fruit shape after flowering induction with 500 and 1000-fold 40% ethephon is significantly higher compared to other treatments, reaching 98.81% and 94.13%, respectively. This is notably 32.17% higher than the group treated with two rounds of treatments of 1.25% calcium carbide-induced flowering. On the intrinsic fruit quality, the ethephon-induced flowering group significantly outperforms the calcium carbide-induced flowering group. The correlation analysis results indicate a highly positive correlation between the concentration of ethephon and the fruit's vitamin C content, total sugar content, sugar-to-acid ratio, and soluble solids. And a significantly negative correlation with citric acid content. Considering fruit shape, yield, and quality, the most effective flowering induction for Tainong No. 4 is achieved using 500-fold 40% ethephon combined with 0.2% urea. The treatment group shows an induction rate of 99.69%, cylindrical fruit rate of 99.38%, average single fruit weight of 1.22 kg, vitamin C content of 40.45 mg/100g, soluble solids of 17.93%, total sugar of 17.84%, citric acid of 0.61%, and a sugar-to-acid ratio of 19.71. Our study provides ethephon treatment as an effective alternative to traditional calcium carbide-induced flowering.
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