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Development of Specific Markers for the Characterization of Kiwifruit Sex Trait Based on Fluorescence Capillary Electrophoresis
投稿时间:2024-03-14  修订日期:2024-03-14
中文关键词:  猕猴桃  种质资源  分子标记  遗传多样性  分子标记辅助选择
英文关键词:Kiwifruit  Germplasm  Molecular marker  Genetic diversity  Marker assisted selection
方林川* 武汉市农业科学院 
张鸿 武汉市农业科学院 
陈志伟 武汉市农业科学院 
王发明 广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所 
戢小梅 武汉市农业科学院 
摘要点击次数: 408
全文下载次数: 48
      【Objective】Kiwifruit is a dioecious fruit tree that originated in China, thus the early sex identification of kiwifruit has important economic value. In general, traditional morphological or physiological and biochemical methods are difficult to solve the problem of sex identification of kiwifruit. While a series of molecular markers have been developed for sex identification in other dioecious plants with a high accuracy, but so far, molecular markers in kiwifruits still lack of high efficiency or high throughput, and some molecular markers developed is suitable for one or several species or cross population and without the interspecific universality, which is a main fator for their borad application in kiwifruit breeding. The kiwifruit"s sex is Mendelian inheritance, and its sex locus is mapped to a single region on the chromosome 5, containing two key genes.. By developing functional markers associated with the sex determination of kiwifruit, this study is expected to greatly improve the efficiency of early sex trait selection, and could accurately detect the sex of hybrid offspring or germplasm resources at the seedling stage, thus laying a foundation for germplasm resource innovation in an economical and efficient manner. 【Methods】 16 primers are designed to amplify those two sites, and different population materials were used to verify the validity of the markers and the effects of different molecular markers were compared in 39 samples. By this approach, all 389 samples were tested by fluorescence capillary electrophoresis.【Results】We used SyGl-selectF/SyGl2-2R and FrBy1-FN/RN to verify the amplification of 31 male and female kiwifruit cultivars, the results showed that the two pairs of primers could classify 30 out of 31 samples successfully. By comparing with the sex marker primers used in previous studies, we found that marker 1 primer had good amplification and clear bands in the test samples, but it was not completely consistent with the sex segregation of the population materials used. The patent marker2 marker failed to amplify a single and clear band in our sample. While Ms1 or Ms2 exhibit clear and single amplified band for most male plant samples and no amplified band for all male samples. The results of marker detection were 220/223 consistent with their gender phenotypes. Testing in natural populations showed that marker detection results were 95/103 concordant with their sex phenotype. Thus, the sex-specific Ms1/Ms2 markers developed in this research could be used for sex identification of kiwifruit varieties. On this basis, we further optimized the fluorescent capillary electrophoresis system and provided the internal reference ITS primer for the PCR detection system to reduce the experimental error.【Conclusion】The sex detection system developed in this study was applied to the sex identification of kiwifruit germplasm resources, there are very high detection success rates in kiwifruit germplasm including commercial kiwifruit varieties (A. chinensis, A. deliciosa, A. arguta, A. eriantha) as well as wild resources and hybrid varieties, which could be suitable for sex characterization markers, and provide a useful technical support for molecular assisted breeding of kiwifruit sex traits.
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